Love is suicide

They say suicide is painless, but they're wrong
Love is the ultimate suicide, pain turned in to another song
It's the only way to commit suicide without selfish reasons
To let someone go and live without them through the seasons
When your heart is dead and your body's still alive
You're a zombie in pain searching for a ride
A ride to forgett all yesterdays and tomorrows
The only way to get rid of your sorrows


det känns som att jag lever flera liv på samma gång och jag kan inte leva upp till något av dem de är för många och jag är bara en som inte ville något annat än leva ett enkelt liv där jag kunde vara lycklig

ibland känns det som att allt bara är en tävling om vem som får mig sist

Också gammal.


I bid you farewell
as I'm walking towards hell
casting a spell
thinking of things I never can tell

do you remember the first time we kissed and all the time we missed due to the choises you made never accepting that I was afraid

I always knew that you lied
that's the reason I never cried
stayed on your side
wishing you'd see how I died

never told you what was wrong just wrote another song collecting my pain in a book wishing you'd give back the heart that you took

there will be an angel on your shoulder protecting you when I burn
whispering beautiful words in your ear until it's your turn
and I'll greet you with a smile in hell when you die

Gammal dikt, har ingenting med nuet att göra...

Broken record

I'm nothing more than a puddle of blood red tears
Just waiting and listening too all the cheers
Of them who broke me down with a purpose
To make me the false, backstabbing bitch and part us
So now they've broken me down and I wait
For the power of revenge you shouldn't underestimate
And I'll smile when someone hurts you like you did me
All I have to do is lie here on the ground, cursing over thee

Ännu en gång... Det här har INGENTING med min nuvarande situation att göra!


you'll never be able to bury me properly
there'll always be something sticking up through the dirt
a foot
an arm

a smile

that's because you don't have the guts to look at me
scared that I'm still to beautiful to resist
the face
the body

the eyes

and I'm tired of watching my own funeral
over and over
wishing you'd just look at me
just see

I'm still crying

Ännu en personlig favorit...


I'm not good at crying,
and niether where you
But pain and sorrow I feel,
for us two
We're not together,
and I guess we never relly where
But you'll get it all back,
now when you're with her

Three times three

Not more than you deserve,
I can promise you that
And I won't interfere,
I'll never need to attack

Three times three

You've broken me over and over,
and taken all my pride
I tried to love and forgive,
never knowing that you lied
But the thruth has been served,
by those who care about me
So now you'll get what you deserve,
let it so be

Three times three

Den här är gammal och har ingenting med vad som händer runt mig just nu att göra.


You see me crawling
Tumbling, turning
In my own blood and ashes
And it scares you when I'm smiling

You just can't understand how I could eat a whole heart by myself

Personlig favorit ;)


Ljug för mig

Ge mig dina löften om världen
Ge mig dina löften om trohet
Säg att det bara är mig du ser
Säg att det bara är mig du vill ha
Ta mig som du aldrig har tagit mig förut
Ta mig som du aldrig tagit någon annan

Ljug för mig igen

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